After She Left

I couldn’t handle two weeks without her when she went to Boston, so I keep asking myself how I am supposed to handle years maybe forever without her. My best friend moved to another state & I know there are such things as visiting & taking trips to see each other but those will never add up to be enough time. She was my great escape, the place I ran to when lost & my haven.

She is my person; to be there to pick me up, to catch me when I fall, to hold me when I am weak & to support me in my happiness. Just as I am for her. I am feeling a little lost wondering what it is going to be like now & lost in all of our memories. You never realize how much you have gone through with a person or how much they truly mean to you until a long goodbye needs to be said. I could never begin to imagine having called anybody else my best friend in these years, nobody else could add up to the person that she was & is for me.

My rock, my other half, my pain in the ass, my soulmate, my sister, my crazy best friend.. I love you forever & am counting down the days until I can see you again.

“It’s been a long day without you my friend and I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again.”

Sweet Personal Paradise Cont’d.

I told you all I would upload some photos from my little getaway at my oh so favorite place! It was nothing but sunshine, smiles, laughs, campfires, river rafting, hanging out & making memories. 

I needed this weekend after having a more emotional past month & being consumed by the rays of sun w/ my best friend & family was nothing short of perfection & the exact therapy I needed. 


Support. Love. Uplifting.

I knew the people who have entered my life were good friends to me; what I didn’t know was how good. Each day I awaken to messages telling me to have a good day, asking how I am or setting up a time to chat & talk. Each day I am reminded how lucky I am & all that I have to be thankful for.

Many people mourn the loss of a person or event in their life & many people go to blind to everybody there for them. Without being misunderstood, it does not have to be loss or a tragedy for a scenario like this to occur. A person could become lost in the good that has come into their life & unconsciously leave people behind or in the dark. Being caught up in a moment or new experience should never take away from your friends or family.

Be aware of your surroundings, always. I know I am & it changes my life for the better every day. When you get where you are going, always turn back around. If you stop dead in your tracks, always look around.